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Centre for Philosophy

The Centre for Philosophy of the Institute of Social Sciences does not promote any particular philosophical school, approach or ideology. Rather, it tends to gain an understanding of all problems from multiple perspectives, and by using varied methods. Its research and activities are therefore focused on encouraging cooperation between different academic fields, institutions and traditions, where special attention is dedicated to interdisciplinarity and cooperation with other ISS centres.

The Centre’s work is of relevance science in Serbia and the region, since it keeps abreast with the philosophical thought, encourages cooperation with international institutions, professional associations and teams, and studies the traditional philosophical problems and issues, as well as those emerging with the development of science and changes in society.

The main aim of the Centre is to promote philosophical thought by encouraging debate and critical analysis. Accordingly, the Centre focuses on various fields of philosophy: topics and problems in the domain of ethics, especially normative ethics, bioethics and other branches of applied ethics, history of philosophy, epistemology, astrobiology, philosophical aspects of theoretical physics, logic, philosophy of religion, philosophy and history of science, philosophy of language, aesthetics, political philosophy, gender studies and experimental philosophy.
The ISS Centre for Philosophy cooperates with the Centre for Bioethical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade, Institute of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, International Department of Bioethics of the World Medical Association (WMA) and the University of Cambridge.

The Centre for Philosophy was founded in 2016.



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