Transformation of the Institute

Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project – SAIGE is a result of the cooperation between the Republic of Serbia, European Union and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank). The World Bank approved the loan for its financing and the Project involves eighteen institutes in the Republic of Serbia. The main goal of the Project is to promote relevance and excellence of scientific research, develop innovative entrepreneurship and access to the sources of funding for the growth of companies.

In the field of scientific research, the SAIGE project is, inter alia, oriented toward reform of the research sector through financing of a programme by the Fund for Science, Development and Improvement of Cooperation with the European Union, strengthening of researchers’ competences for accessing international projects, building of the capacities of scientific research institutes and strengthening of cooperation with the diaspora.

When it comes to the Institute of Social Sciences, the aim of the SAIGE project is for the ISS to become internationally recognised, through the promotion of the relevance and excellence of its research and innovation activities, leading to an increased influence on socio-economic dynamics.

Concretely, at the end of the 10-year process, the ISS should adopt the best way in managing research and innovation, have access to different sources of high-quality research financing, but also have a real and essential impact in the social and economic spheres. Another highly important goal is for the Institute of Social Sciences to become connected with the leading scientific research organisations in Europe, but also within the European Research Area – ERA.

Furthermore, in the process of transformation, the ISS cooperates with a series of consulting houses and professionals on the improvement of strategic documents, management and development of projects for the Horizon Europe project, and other national and international programmes, as well as on the improvement and development of documents in the fields of knowledge transfer, open science, data and human resources management.

The principles that would determine the ISS’s transformation involve active participation of researchers on all levels, fulfilment of the defined goals and application of the engaged experts’ recommendations, adjustment of the legal framework, as well as strengthening of the links and cooperation with other scientific research organisations.
In realisation of the defined goals, the ISS will closely cooperate with the Ministry of Science and other institutes.

Decision on the establishment of the ISS International Advisory Board
Annex of the Decision on the establishment of the Team for Implementation of the ISS Transformation


International advisory board of ISS

Prof. Dr. Rory Fitzgerald, Director of the ESS ERIC, City University, London

Prof. Dr. Patrick Simon, National Demographic Institute, Paris

Dr. Martin Dietz, Independent researcher, Freudenstadt

Prof. Dr. Sonja Novak Lukanovič, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana

Dr. André Pieter den Exter, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Prof. Dr. Georg Lutz, Director of FORS, University of Lausanne


Јавни конкурс за попуњавање радног места – директор Института друштвених наука

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30. 11. 2022.

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Documents (in Serbian)

Formation of the International Advisory Board of the ISS

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Annex to the Decision on the Formation of the Transformation Team of the Institute

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The ISS Transformation Plan (excerpts)

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Annual Report (Excerpts), English Language

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