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Centre for Demographic Research

The work by the Centre for Demographic Research is focused on gaining interdisciplinary insights into the situation, tendencies and development perspectives of the population in Serbia and its environment. The focus of the research work is on the relevant demographic phenomena and processes, as well as its tendencies, determining factors, shift patterns and the potential changes in the foreseeable future. Particular attention is paid to identifying and researching the development of the population in Serbia and indicating any possible demographic, economic, social and other impacts in the context of sustainable development in the domains affected by the population factor. The range of topics researched includes spatial, but also ethnic dimensions when it comes to the phenomena where these are deemed to be important.

The findings of quantitative and qualitative analyses, including those acquired through in-depth research, serve as a source of the knowledge needed for improving theoretical and methodological frameworks, but also to inform the activities intended to guide political action and decision-making in this domain.

The fundamental aims of the Centre were proclaimed upon its founding. They include: researching the population’s development, promoting demographic knowledge and developing scientific methodology in this domain.

The Centre has a long tradition of cooperating with the state institutions dealing with issues concerning demography and population policy, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SANU, as well as research institutes and universities in the country and abroad that study demographic and other related phenomena. Also, ever since its foundation, the Centre has been commonly collaborating with international agencies that support research of key population issues, including UN programmes and funds.

Since 1963, the Center for Demographic Research has been continuously preparing and publishing Stanovništvo – one of the oldest demographic journals in the world and the oldest in the Balkans.

The centre was established in 1962 and has been managed by academician Miloš Macura (1962–1963), Dušan Breznik (1963–1985), Miroljub Rančić (1985 and 1987), Dragana Avramov (1987–1991), Mila Bogosavljević (1993), Mirjana Rašević (1993-2022) and Vladimir Nikitović (2022–).





Project funder

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Project Co-Leader


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