Ankica Šobot

Year of obtaining the highest degree

The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification Ph.D. 2012, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade

Fields of research

Gender perspective of demographic phenomena and processes; Low fertility and pronatalist policies; Socio-economic aspects of demographic phenomena and processes; Gender equality

Current research projects

Gender roles, reproductve behaviour and policies in European countries; Work-family balnce; Economic uncertainty, parenthood and childbirth in postindustraial conutries; Pronatalist policies and gender equality


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification Ph.D. 2012, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade

During 1996–1997 she worked at the Institute for Sociological Research – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy and carried out empirical research related to attitudes of high school students and students about marriage and parenthood.

Since 2003, Ankica Šobot has been employed at the Institute of Social Sciences. She has highlighted the importance of gender aspects related to demographic development, particularly connected with understanding of low fertility in postindustrial societies. Her engagement regarding popularisation of demographic knowledge is visible through Demografski pregled, a newsletter that has been published by the competent ministry in the Government of the Republic of Serbia in the cooperation with the Institute of Social Sciences. Further, she has engaged in demographic discussions, organized by the Association of Demographers of Serbia and has actively participated in the Group for Gender Studies, in one of the research groups in the Institute of Social Sciences. Since 2022 has performed role of coordinator of the Group.

Ankica Šobot has written many articles which have been published in Serbian scientific journals and conference proceedings and has participated in numerous scientific conferences on different demographic issues. She is the author of two monographs published by the Institute of Social Sciences.

Membership of professional organisations

Association of Demographers of Serbia

Major publications

Šobot, A. (2022). Niske stope rađanja i rodne uloge: Teorijski okvir i praktični izazovi. Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka. (Low fertility and gender roles: Theoretical framework and practical challenges)

Šobot, A. (2021). Razumevanje rodne dimenzije niskog fertiliteta: zaposlenost i rađanje u Evropi. Stanovništvo, 59(2), 43–63. (Understanding the Gender Dimension of Low Fertility: Employment and Birth in Europe)

Šobot, A. (2019). Da li je rušenje rodnih stereotipa ključ za porast fertiliteta u Srbiji? / Is the Overturn of Gender Stereotypes the Key to Fertility Increase in Serbia? Sociološki pregled, 53(3),1217–1240.

Šobot, A. (2020).  Rodne uloge i obrazovanje kao elementi objašnjenja fertiliteta po tipu naselja u Srbiji. Demografija, 17, 29–54. (Gender roles and Education as Elemens for the Explanation of Fertility by the Type of Settlement in Serbia)

Šobot, A. (2018). Odlaganje roditeljstva i nerađanje iz ugla socio-profesionalnih karakteristika žena u Srbiji. Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, 167(3), 445–456. (Postponement of Parenthood and Childlessness from a Perspective of Soco-Professional Characteristic of Women in Serbia)


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