Research groups

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Study and Research Group for Gender Equality and Public Policies

The group was established in 2017. The initial idea was to contribute to a more comprehensive integration of the gender-sensitive approach in social sciences and humanities. The idea has been to incorporate the current issues researched by the disciplines currently present in the Institute of Social Sciences, as well as those covered by gender studies. 

The Group’s work has been aimed at developing the knowledge which research social, economic and cultural relations in a manner which recognises the social position, legal status, experiences and contribution by both women and men. The intention is to present and criticise the gender regimes which are based on the values and structures that perpetuate subordination and marginalisation of women. The aim is also to re-examine and redefine public policies in all the areas of life, by integrating the gender perspective, thus also confirming the practical value of this approach. 

The main activities of the Group include organisation of lectures, gatherings of different formats and publishing of thematic collections of papers and monographs. The cycle of lectures entitled “New Views, Perspectives and Research of Gender Theory” was held. The roundtable discussion entitled “Gender Equality Law: Significance, Needs and Obstacles” was also held. The thematic collection of papers Contemporary Issues and Perspective on Gender Research was published. Members of the Group participated in the thematic gathering entitled “Women’s and Gender Studies in Serbia”. 

The Group has established cooperation with the Centre for Women’s Studies in Belgrade, as well as with the Gender and Politics Research in South-East Europe  (GenPolSEE).


Previous Coordinators

mirjana dokmanovic Media centar Beograd

Mirjana Dokmanović


zorica mrsevic 1 1024x768 1 300x300 1

Zorica Mršević

mirjana dokmanovic Media centar Beograd

Mirjana Dokmanović

natalija micunovic Medija centar Beograd

Natalija Mićunović

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