Strategic Messaging for Democratic Values
Implementation of the Behavioural Survey on General Population regarding COVID-19 Vaccination
Supporting Coordination Body to Establish Efficient System of Monitoring the Implementation of Strategy for Social inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia
Project Funder
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Project Leader
Researching Risk Factors of Abusing Psychoactive Substances among the Youth in Serbia (Istraživanje faktora rizika zloupotrebe psihoaktivnih supstanci među mladima u Republici Srbiji)
Social and Political Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Društveni i politički aspekti KOVID-19 pandemije)
Project Leader
Society and Politics: Public Opinion in Serbia 2020 (Društvo i politika: Javno mnjenje Srbije 2020.)
Project Funder
The research is partly included in the international research project titled Comparative Studies of Election Systems (CSES, HYPERLINK “https://cses.org/” \t “_blank” www.cses.org).
Project Leaders
Zoran Pavlović, Dragan Stanojević
COVID-19 Pandemic: Social and Psychological Aspects (KOVID-19 Pandemija: Socijalni i psihološki aspekti)
Project Funder
The project titled “COVID19 International Collaboration on Social & Moral Psychology”, was initiated by an international group of researchers, led by Jay Van Bavel, New York University.
Project Leaders
Ethnic Distance (Etnička distance)
Project Funder
A poll dedicated to the integration and realisation of the rights of national minorities in the Republic of Serbia
Project Leader