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Centre for Philosophy


Society and politics: Public opinion in Serbia 2020.

Project funder

The research is, in part, included in the international research project called Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES,

In cooperation with researchers from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Managers Bojan Todosijević, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Zoran Pavlović, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Dragan Stanojević, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy


The COVID-19 Pandemic: Social and Psychological Aspects

Finansijer istraživanja

The project “COVID19 International Collaboration on Social & Moral Psychology”, initiated by an international group of researchers, under the leadership of Jay Van Bavel (Jay Van Bavel, New York University).

In cooperation with researchers from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. The research is part of an international project that is carried out in more than 60 countries. Managers Bojan Todosijević, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade; Zoran Pavlović, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy; Dragan Stanojević, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy



Project funder

Western Balkan Cooperation ESS, 2020–2021.

Project leader


Respect of Diversity as a Cornerstone of Roma Integration Through Employment – the Case of Slovenia and Serbia – ZAPROM

Project funder

In cooperation with ISCOMET – Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, 2020-2021.

Project leader


Academic network supporting EU policies towards Western Balkans with emphasis on regional cooperation based on reconciliation – ANTEREC

Project funder

Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network. In cooperation with ISCOMET – Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies 2019-2021.

Project leader


Access to Information Communication Technologies for the Older people

Finansijer istraživanja

Partner with the Serbian Red Cross, UNFPA.

Project leader


Inklusion von Roma und anderen marginalisierten Gruppen in Serbien

Project funder

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Project leader


Improving Institutional Capacities and Fostering Cooperation to Tackle the Impacts of Transnational Youth Migration (YOUMIG)

Project funder

European Union’s Interreg Danube Transnational Programme.

Project Co-Leader


Managing Migration and its Effects in South-East Europe – Transnational actions towards evidence based strategies (SEEMIG)

Project funder

European Union’s South-East Europe Programme.

Project Co-Leader


Harmonization of Serbian election studies in order to join the COST action The True European Voter

Project funder

University of Fribourg, in cooperation with the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP).

Project leader


Transnational Networks, Transnational Entrepreneurship and the Role of the State, Regional Research Promotion Programme on Western Balkans

Project funder

Regional Research Promotion Programme on Western Balkans of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Project Co-Leader


Human Rights in Anthropological Perspective

Project funder

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade.

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