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Centre for Political Research and Public Opinion


Land Value Evaluation

Project funder

Optimization Technology Research B. V. Company, Amsterdam.

Project leader


Justice, Democracy and Gender, потпројекат ширег пројекта Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (CORDIS – European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme for Research)

Project funder

In collaboration with the Center for Advancement of Women in Politics, School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, Queen’s University Belfast.

Subproject leader


Gender Gap in Education, Employment and Participation – Global Perspective

Project funder

Project in cooperation with Women and Public Policy Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, World Economic Forum.

Project Coordinator for Serbia


The Determinants and Consequences of Population Trends

Project funder

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Project Co-Leader


Opinion makers in the modern world

Project funder

Carnegie Foundation, co-organizers Bureau for Advanced Applied Social Research, University of Columbia (NY), Institute of Sociology and Institute of Public Opinion Research of the Czechoslovak Academy, Center for European Sociology of the Univérsite Paris V (Sorbonne), Institute of Political Studies of the University of Turin (Italy ), with the cooperation of the Gramsci Institute (Rome, Italy).

Project leader

Фирдус Џинић, Љиљана Баћевић.


Women in Politics – Towards Equal Opportunity

Project funder

In collaboration with the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies, Boston.

Subproject leader


History of women’s movements in Southeast Europe in the 19th and 20th century

Project funder

In cooperation with the Institute of History of the University of Vienna

Project Coordinator


Making Women Visible – Towards Gender Equality in Politics, Governing and Decision-making

Финансијер истраживања

In collaboration with the Center for Women’s and Feminist Studies, University of Oslo, supported by the Norwegian Government’s Ministry of Science and Research

Project leader


Pool 8 – Privatisation of Six Socially Owned Textile Companies

Project funder

World Bank (Private Sector Development) and Privatization Agency, Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Project leader


Privatisation Planning Project

Project funder

Department for International Development in London.


Women’s Organizations and Building of Civil Society in XXI Century – International Perspective

Project funder

In collaboration with the Center for the Study of Philanthropy, City University of New York and the Global Network of Women’s Organizations and Civil Society, New York.

Project Coordinator


Population and Development in Southern Europe

Project funder

United Nations Fund for Population Activites.

Project Co-Leader

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