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The Traditional Round Table on the Issues of the Responsibility in Serbian Law

Researchers of the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade, Center for Legal Research, in cooperation with the Bar Association of Vojvodina, Herald of the AKV, held on November 4, 2022. traditional round table on issues of responsibility in Serbian law, entitled “Serbia and reforming the institute of liability 5”.

The meeting successfully worked in three panels: 1) Liability during the pandemic and after, 2) The impact of the pandemic on the functioning of the institutions of the legal system, and 3) Other topics, openly on the issues of liability.

The opening remarks were dedicated to Professor Jakov Radišić, the doyen of legal thought who made a great contribution to scientific research in Serbia, and died in October 2022. In the central part, the meeting focused on the specifics of the public work and specialy the impact of the pandemic on the functioning of the institutions of the legal system.

All the presented topics were very current, with different scope and attracted considerable attention in the discussion, starting with medical issues during the pandemic, new technologies in data protection, liability due to hate graffiti, evidence relief in litigation, etc.

In many of the topics there were disputes about the issues of active and passive identification. Likewise, the negative impact of politics and other systems on the legal resolution of disputes was observed.

As a result of the meeting, a book of abstracts with eleven thematic contributions was printed.


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