University Education of Journalists in Serbia (Univerzitetsko obrazovanje novinara u Srbiji)
Education of Journalists in Serbia: Experiences and Challenges (Obrazovanje novinara u Srbiji: iskustva, iskušenja)
Consolidation of the Democratic Order in Yugoslavia in the Context of the Tradition in Eastern Europe (Konsolidacija demokratskog poretka Jugoslavije u kontekstu tranzcije u Istočnoj Evropi)
Project Leader
TV Presentation of Political Subjects in Serbia during an Election Year (Televizijska prezentacija političkih subjekata u Srbiji tokom izborne godine)
Post-communist Society between Tradition and Modernity (Postkomunističko društvo između tradicije i modernosti)
Intercultural Values and Perception of Political-Economic Problems (Međukulturne vrednosti i percepcije političko-ekonomskih problema)
International Relations in Yugoslavia and Problems of Federalism (Međunarodni odnosi u Jugoslaviji i problemi federalizma)
Opinion-Makers in the Modern World (Stvaraoci mnjenja u savremenom svetu)
Project Funder
Carnegie Foundation, co-implementers Bureau for Advanced Applied Social Research, University of Columbia (NY), Institute of Sociology and the Institute of Public Opinion Research of the Czechoslovakian Academy, Centre for European Sociology of the Univérsite Paris V (Sorbonne), Institute of Political Studies of the Turin University (Italy), with cooperation by the Gramsci Institute (Rome, Italy).
Project Leader
Western Balkan Social Inclusion Barometer (WBSIB)
Project Funder
World Bank and European Commission, PoC (Proof of Concept) as a part of the SAIGE project
Project Leader