Respect of Diversity as a Cornerstone of Roma Integration through Employment – the Case of Slovenia and Serbia – ZAPROM
Project Funder
In cooperation with the ISCOMET – Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, 2020–2021
Project Leader
Academic Network Supporting EU Policies towards Western Balkans with Emphasis on Regional Cooperation Based on Reconciliation – ANTEREC
Project Funder
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network. In cooperation with the ISCOMET – Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies 2019-2021
Project Leader
Access to Information Communication Technologies for the Older people
Inclusion of the Roma and other Marginalised Groups in Serbia (Inklusion von Roma und anderen marginalisierten Gruppen in Serbien)
Project Funder
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Project Leader
Populism – Cause and Effect (Populizam – uzroci i posledice)
Harmonization of Serbian election studies in order to join the COST action The True European Voter
Project Funder
University of Fribourg, in cooperation with the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP)
Project Leader
Human Rights in Anthropological Perspective
Project Funder
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade.
Opinions of the Citizens of Serbia on Gender Equality (Stavovi građana Srbije o rodnoj ravnopravnosti)
Project Funder
Swedish International Cooperation Agency, in cooperation with the Gender Equality Administration
Democracy in Socially Instable Areas: Connection between Migration and Democracy in Serbia (Demokratie in unsicheren sozialen Räumen: Zum Zusammenhang von Demokratie und Migration in Serbien, Democracy in Unstable Social Spaces/Fields: The Conection between Migration and Democracy in Serbia)
Project Funder
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM, Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa).
Project Leader