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Jelena Riznić

Year of obtaining the highest degree

The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification MA 2021, Faculty of Philosophy, University in Belgrade


Scholarships, fellowships, grants

Scholarship recipient of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia, 2020. and 2021.


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification MA 2021, Faculty of Philosophy, University in Belgrade

She enrolled in basic academic studies in sociology in 2016 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. During her studies, she participated in several research projects of the Institute for Sociological Research, as well as in the organization of the scientific conference Feminism and the Left — then and now. She was the co-editor of the 2020 issue of the journal Anthropology, which was devoted to the relationship between feminism and the left. She graduated in 2020 as the best student in the generation, and in the same year, she started her master’s studies in sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.

She enrolled in doctoral academic studies in sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade in 2021. During her studies, she was twice a scholarship recipient of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia. At the center of her research interests are women’s labor and reproductive rights, violence against women, and economic sociology.

Major publications

Riznić, Jelena (2020) Feministička razumevanja surogat materinstva, Antropologija 20, 1–2: 233–248.

Riznić. J (2022) Žena, majka, radnica: uticaj neoliberalnog oblika kapitalističke regulacije na radna i reproduktivna prava žena u Srbiji. U: N. Anđelković, B. Vranić (ur.) Društvena pravda u postkomunističkim društvima (227–247), Beograd: Udruženje za političke nauke Srbije.

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