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Fields of research

International Relations; the East Asia region, with a special focus on the PR China; political Economy; circular Economy; environmental Policy


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification М.А. 2020.

Đurđica Stanković was born in Leskovac in 1995. After completing secondary economics school “Đuka Dinić” in Leskovac in 2014 she enrolled in BA studies of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. She graduated from the European Integration module in 2018, with an average grade of 9.81. In the same year she enrolled in the MA in Political Sciences – module Environmental Policy. She earned the title of MA in Political Sciences with an average grade of 10.00 (title of master thesis: “From a destructive linear economy to a circular economy”) in September 2020. Since October 2021 she is a student of PhD at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade. In the period from 2018 to November 2020, she was employed in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in the Sector for International Cooperation and European Integration. She was a member of the Special Working Group for the Circular Economy, which adopted the ex-ante Report on the Implementation of the Circular Economy in the Republic of Serbia.

Since May 2022, she has been employed at the Institute of Social Sciences.

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

– Scholarship Holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development

– Fund for Young Talents of the Ministry of Youth and Sports

– Fund for Young Talents of the City of Leskovac

Major publications

Đurđica, Stanković i Topalović, Milica (2022) Kineska inicijativa „Pojas i put” kao novi model uspostavljanja odnosa između NR Kine i Republike Srbije. Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka, 27 (1), str. 51–73.

Đurđica, Stanković i Topalović, Milica (2022) Populacioni pritisak kao uzrok klimatskih promena. Politička revija, 73 (3), str. 219–235.

Stanković, Đurđica i Mitrović, Aleksandra (2020) Troškovi za zaštitu životne sredine i javno-privatno partnerstvo. U: IV međunarodna naučna konferencija „Regionalni razvoj i prekogranična saradnja”. Fakultet za menadžment, Zaječar, str. 119–125.

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