Project funder
Optimization Technology Research B. V. Company, Amsterdam.
Project leader
Project funder
In collaboration with the Center for Advancement of Women in Politics, School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, Queen’s University Belfast.
Subproject leader
Project funder
Project in cooperation with Women and Public Policy Program, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, World Economic Forum.
Project Coordinator for Serbia
Project funder
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Project Co-Leader
Project funder
Carnegie Foundation, co-organizers Bureau for Advanced Applied Social Research, University of Columbia (NY), Institute of Sociology and Institute of Public Opinion Research of the Czechoslovak Academy, Center for European Sociology of the Univérsite Paris V (Sorbonne), Institute of Political Studies of the University of Turin (Italy ), with the cooperation of the Gramsci Institute (Rome, Italy).
Project leader
Фирдус Џинић, Љиљана Баћевић.
Project funder
In collaboration with the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies, Boston.
Subproject leader
Project funder
In cooperation with the Institute of History of the University of Vienna
Project Coordinator
Финансијер истраживања
In collaboration with the Center for Women’s and Feminist Studies, University of Oslo, supported by the Norwegian Government’s Ministry of Science and Research
Project leader
Project funder
World Bank (Private Sector Development) and Privatization Agency, Government of the Republic of Serbia.
Project leader
Project funder
Department for International Development in London.
Project funder
In collaboration with the Center for the Study of Philanthropy, City University of New York and the Global Network of Women’s Organizations and Civil Society, New York.
Project Coordinator
Kraljice Natalije 45
11000 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia
+381 (0) 11 3616 002, 3616 102