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The first meeting of the research team of the IS-MIGaIN project

On April 7, 2023, the first meeting of researchers involved in the project International Student Migration in the Serbian Context and (Re)Construction of Identity: Main Issues and Inputs for Policy Making (IS-MIGaIN) was held at the Institute of Social Sciences.

The head of the project is Dr. Vesna Lukić, Principal Research Fellow at the Center for Demographic Research. Other participants in the project from the Institute of Social Sciences are Jelena Predojević Despić, Research Associate at the Center for Demographic Research, and Nena Vasojević, Research Associate at the Center for Sociological and Anthropological Research.

Researchers from the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad – Department of Sociology also participate in the project: Snežana Stojšin, Associate professor and Vladan Vidicki, Teaching assistant, as well as Assistant professor Milica Vesković Anđelković from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade – Department of Sociology, and Jasna Petrić, Principal Research Fellow of the Institute for architecture and urban planning of Serbia.

This research has been supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Grant No 1434, within the Identities program.


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