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The First Meeting of the International Advisory Board of the Institute of Social Sciences

The goal of the Institute of Social Sciences’ development is to acquire knowledge and techniques based on which it will be recognized as a regional center of excellence in social sciences. Involvement in international scientific networks and connections with institutes and academic institutions worldwide are among the priorities of the development strategy. Support from national scientific centers, the Ministry, and the Fund for Science are prerequisites for the development of social sciences in Serbia.

These and other issues were discussed at the International Advisory Board Meeting of the Institute of Social Sciences, attended by Prof. Dr. Rory Fitzgerald (Director of the ESS ERIC, City University, London), Dr. Martin Dietz (Independent Expert, Freudenstadt), Prof. Dr. Georg Lutz (Director of FORS, University of Lausanne), Prof. Dr. Patrick Simon (National Demographic Institute, Paris) and Prof. Dr. Andre Pieter den Exter (Erasmus University Rotterdam).


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