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The COST action “Ethics in Dementia” is expanding and organizing a summer school

The first general meeting of the management board and working groups of the project COST SA 21137-EDEM, “Ethics in Dementia,” was held from March 20 to 21—2023, at the Institute of Social Sciences.

During two working days, meetings of the Management Board and panel discussions within five working groups of EDEM actions were held. Among others, a decision was made to organize a summer school of ethics in dementia and a new meeting of the Management Committee in September 2023. A decision was made to expand the network and include countries that do not have representatives in this project.

The EDEM project also involves an interdisciplinary national team for researching ethics in dementia in Serbia, led by Veselin Mitrović. The team comprises researchers from the ISS and the Centre for Dementia of the Clinical Centre of Serbia’s Neurology Clinic.

COST is the broadest European intergovernmental network for cooperation in science and technology, financed under the EU Horizon 202 R&I Framework Programme. The COST project aims to create new concepts and products within the four-year cooperation on a selected topic between interdisciplinary research networks. The networks predominantly involve researchers from the academic community, experts and innovators from small and medium-sized enterprises, public institutions, and other relevant organizations.

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