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“Tea Party” with Danijela Dolenec: The left and experiences of power democratisation

What has been the experience of governing Zagreb in the last two years? This will be the topic of the online lecture entitled “Green Left in Power”, which will be given by Danijela Dolenec, associate professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb and deputy mayor of Zagreb, on 6 September at 12 at the Institute of Social Sciences.

The main tension that Prof. Dolenec will analyse is the opposition between political programs and the means to achieve the proclaimed goals. In Foucault’s analysis of governmentality, the problem with socialism is precisely that it possesses an ideology that rationalises power, but lacks its own institutional practices to achieve it.

“In this sense, the title of the lecture – Green Left in Power – is indicative of the problem, since being in power represents a fundamental challenge for the Left that the Right does not have – that of democratising power,” notes Dolenec.

The lecture is part of the Regional Tea Party lecture series, this year entitled “The Left”, organised by the Institute of Social Sciences together with the Academic Network for Cooperation in South East Europe. It will be moderated by Irena Ristić.

Dolenec Danijela
Foto: Anto Magzan

Danijela Dolenec is associate professor of comparative politics at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb, and since 2021 she has been the deputy mayor of Zagreb. She received her MA from the London School of Economics and her PhD from the ETH in Zurich. Her research and publications deal with the democratisation and political economy of post-socialism, European party systems, contemporary social movements, political ecology and the politics of higher education. In her recent lectures and presentations, she has analysed the development of the Green Left in South Eastern Europe and the elements of the “Možemo!” group’s strategy of taking power in Zagreb.

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Passcode: 982872


Annual program "Regional Tea Party"

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