Serbia and reforming the institute of liability 4

The Round table “Serbia and reforming the institute of liability” was held on November 4, 2021 in cooperation of CLR ISS and the Bar Association of Vojvodina, through the Zoom platform. Several presentations of the participants – lecturers were presented and pointed out all the issues and the importance of the current moment of liability in the law of Serbia and beyond.

The event took place through three thematic units:

  • Legal and social bases of liability
  • Forms of liability through institutes of legal disciplines
  • Individual and liability in large systems (administration, social protection, health, education, economy)

A total of twelve grouped topics were presented. The first panel was dedicated to the forms of liability related to the Covid-19 crisis, foreign practice, as well as scientific ones. moral and cultural aspects of responsibility. The second panel highlighted the issues of responsible conduct and the liability of prosecuting liability in new fields of economic, economic and criminal regulations, such as state liability for coercive measures, financial and corporate liability, as well as criminal aspects of liability for misdemeanors and transplant crimes. The third panel highlighted issues of media liability related to social protection and environmental responsibility in the field of water and agricultural measures. The current situation in the field of responsibility for the presented issues in Europe and the world is presented.

The conclusion pointed out the shortcomings of certain legal solutions in the law of Serbia and the need for further efforts, primarily legal science, legislation and practice, to contribute to a better understanding and improvement of the institute of liability.


Book of Abstracts in Serbian

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