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Demographic Phenomena and Public Policies

Research leader

Research financier

Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, 2011-2019.

Group 30


Research of Demographic Phenomena in the Context of Public Policies in Serbia




The subject of the research project is examining the demographic condition, trends and problems in Serbia in the context of defining public policies.


To identify population problems in Serbia while facing contemporary socio-economic processes such as transition, European integrations and globalisation. Simultaneously, to realise what the demographic, economic, sociological, cultural and other consequences of these trends are, in all the fields in which the population factor is present.

Research of the determinants of the specific unfolding of demographic phenomena in the Republic of Serbia, in order to define specific measures of developmental policies on the state and lower regional levels. Making connections between the characteristics of the demographic development and spatial planning activities.


Studying all the phenomena comprising demographic development, their characteristics so far, determining factors, patterns in the movement and the expected changes in the foreseeable future.

Assessing the condition of population policy in Serbia and considering possible new directions in defining the measures of state response to the present and future demographic challenges. In this sense, to examine the components of population growth, of the demographic, economic and social structures, family, development of Serbian population in the future and the issues relevant for population policy.

A comprehensive analysis of the spatial-demographic structure of Serbia, with the task of establishing regional differences and the layers of regional and inter-regional polarisations and transformation in the settlement system. Strengthening the bases for demographic regionalisation of Serbia with respect to certain questions and challenges, as a starting point in all kinds of regionalisation.


The results enable consideration of possible scenarios of Serbia’s demographic development in the conditions of contemporary socio-economic processes. Realisation of the project results in more detailed answers relevant for the state’s strategy of dealing with demographic problems, and especially for its principles, aims and the measures concerning rehabilitation of birthing, decreasing mortality, positive migration balance, alleviating the consequences of the population aging, better position of the elderly, stimulation of intergenerational and intragenerational transfer and improving the status of women.

The results of the project may be used in defining and implementation of different public policies in Serbia, such as social, healthcare, education, retirement and spatial and regional development policies. Within the sub-project entitled “Spatial Differentiation of Demographic Phenomena in Serbia”, disproportionality, incoherence and asymmetry of the national urban network have been identified, particularly evident in the small number of large cities in Serbia. An aim of public policies must be the establishment of more harmonious spatial-demographic relations through de-metropolisation and programmatic, planning and other support to development of depopulated areas in line with objective potentials and needs.

An adequate response to the challenges in the forthcoming society of the elderly is the policy of active aging and social cohesion of all age categories of the population. Specific effects of the population aging reflect in the fertile contingent, which in addition to postponed birthing requires creation of innovative measures for birthing rehabilitation. The effects of the fertility tempo to the birthing quantum in Serbia are considerable, so recommendations contained in tempo policies need to be respected more. The age model of household consumption has been defined. The impact of education to the quantum and tempo of birthing has been confirmed.

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