As part of the series of lectures “New views, perspectives and research on gender theory”, the Study Research Group for Gender Equality and Public Policy of the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade, Jasna Jovicevic, PhD gave a lecture on “Positioning of a Female Instrumentalist in the Transdisciplinary Practices of Jazz” on March 29, 2023.
The subject of this presentation was the positioning of the female instrumentalist in the transdisciplinary practices of jazz, in which Jasna Jovićević problematized jazz as a musical and social practice. The goal of the research was to critically analyze and show the creation of identity as a socially constructed subject, that is, the representation and status of a female instrumentalist through the practices of different styles of jazz as an art form, but also as a cultural, historical and social space. The secondary goal was the mapping and introduction of artistic research in jazz as a young scientific-artistic discipline. This innovative discipline can serve as an open space for the positioning of the female researchers and artists in the field of jazz, where she emphasized autoethnography as the main research method. Such a setting represents an activist act of deconstructing gender stereotypes that can unfold a new polygon for the creative activity for women in art and science not only in Serbia, but also on the world scene. She stated the importance of transdisciplinarity in scientific research and offered artistic research in the discipline of music as a valid and innovative research method. Artistic research in music offers results from a different research perspective; from the point of view of the artist herself.
In her presentation, the author through a case study – artistic research in music, analyzed the group interviews of the regional female musicians. She included an autoethnographic research, showing that the creation of gender identity in jazz occurs due to specific genre constructions, hegemonic canonization and representation of gender performative as a social strategy within a practice. As a result, female jazz instrumentalists face a multiple system of exclusion in jazz; by the double standard of social (patriarchal) patterns incorporated into the micro-context of the hegemonic genre of the dominant style of traditional jazz. Through the discussion, the lecturer shared experiences and introduced a new model of research to the scientific community.
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