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Participation at the 27th International Conference on National Minorities, Migration and Security

Representatives of the Institute of Social Sciences participated in the 27th International Scientific Conference on National Minorities, Migrations and Security, which took place from 18 to 21 September 2023 in Brijuni, Croatia. The conference was organised by the Centre for International and Security Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Zagreb in cooperation with the Council for National Minorities of the Republic of Croatia, the Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the Institute for Ethnic Studies (Ljubljana), the Academic Network for Cooperation in Southeast Europe and the Faculty of Security of the University of Belgrade.

The conference covered three thematic areas: National Minorities in Democratic Societies, igrations and Migration Policies, Contemporary Security Challenges.

Over three days, nine panels analysed in depth various aspects of the status and rights of national minorities, migration and migration policies, and contemporary security challenges faced by individuals, societies and states, particularly in the region.

Goran Bašić was one of the keynote speakers and later spoke on Hidden minorities and their identities and moderated the session on National Minorities in Democratic Societies. Colleagues Milica Joković Pantelić and Dr Ivana Stjelja spoke on the topic of Roma Inclusion Polices.

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