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Ivana Magdalenić

Year of obtaining the highest degree

The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification M.A. 2015.

Editorial Team of journal Stanovništvo

Fields of research

Fertility; population policy; gender perspective

Current research projects

Gender framework of fertility and population policy in Serbia in the 21st century


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification M.A. 2015.

Ivana Magdalenić (1986, Belgrade) enrolled in her undergraduate studies in 2008 and at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Study Group for Demography. In 2014, enrolled in master studies at the Faculty of Geography, also in the direction of Demographics. 2015. enrolled in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade, geoscience study program.

In 2016/2017, Ivana Magdalenic was elected as an associate in the position of assistant for the narrower scientific field of Demography at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, department of Demography. In 2015, was engaged several times in surveys at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. In September 2017, she was part of the team on two projects: “Revision of the Strategy for Encouraging Births” and “Action Plan for the Implementation of the Amended Birth Promotion Strategy”.

Since 2018, Ivana has been employed as a trainee researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences – Center for Demographic Research. At the moment, she is a research associate.

The area of scientific and future interest is population fertility, population policy and gender perspective. Ivana is a member of the Association of Demographers of Serbia and part of the editorial board of the magazine Population.

Membership of professional organisations

Association of Demographers of Serbia

Work in education

2015–2017 demonstrator and assistant at Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade

Major publications

Magdalenić, I., & Vojković, G. (2015). Promene u starosnom modelu rađanja u Srbiji i zemljama EU – komparativna analiza. Stanovništvo, 53(2): 43–66.

Magdalenić, I. (2016). Uticaj bračnosti na fertilitet u Srbiji i Evropskoj uniji. Demografija, 13: 175–190.

Kokotović, V., Filipović, M., & Magdalenić, I. (2016). Unutrašnja mobilnost stanovništva Srbije u drugoj polovini XX i na početku XXI veka. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, 64(3): 553–567

Magdalenić, I. (2020). Starosni model rađanja u Srbiji i državama Evropske unije – izazov pronatalitetnim politikama. U: I. Arsić & V. Mentus (prir.), Promišljanja aktuelnih društvenih izazova: regionalni i globalni kontekst (str. 8-25). Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd.

Matijević, B., Zafirović, J.,  & Magdalenić, I. (2021). Percepcija građana o spoljnopolitičkom opredeljenju Srbije: Čija podrška će unaprediti socioekonomske prilike u Srbiji, Evropske unije ili Rusije? U: Bojan Todosijević (ur.) Predstave o Evropskoj uniji i Rusiji u javnosti Srbije : javno mnjenje Srbije 2018 – JMS 2018 (str. 44–57). Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd.

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