Online event was held on theoretical interpretations and possible consequences of classifications of feminist theories


As a part of the lecture series “New Views, Perspectives and Research on Gender Theory”, the Study Research Group for Gender Equality and Public Policy of the Institute of Social Sciences organised the follow-up of the lecture and the academic discussion on “Theoretical interpretations and possible consequences of classifications of feminist theories” on 30 March 2022. The introductory presentations were given by Prof. Dr. Daša Duhaček, Centre for Women’s Studies, Belgrade, Dr. Mirjana Dokmanović, Research Associate, Institute of Social Sciences, and Dr. Zorica Mršević, Principal Research Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences.

Presentation by Prof. Dr. Daša Duhaček started from the basic assumption – that the classifications are disciplinary and terminologically grounded – thus questions of the theoretical and political context are posed dealing with the emergence and establishment of the legitimacy of all areas of research, including feminist theories. This is followed by questions of survival, change and “disruption” in the discipline, which, as theoretically and politically relevant, also enters the ideological fields. In addition, Prof. Dr. Duhaček stressed that there may be problem with clasifications if they would be treated as axiom that are not questioned.

Dr. Mirjana Dokmanović presented the main postulates of the feminist approach to economics that seeks to redefine the dominant neoliberal economy by including gender and gender regimes as analytical categories. This approach requires that unpaid women’s work and household care be included in the economic analysis and evaluation of economic success, as well as human well-being and ethical attitudes not only in terms of gender equality, but also in terms of equality of nations and the elimination of all forms of discrimination.

In her presentation Dr. Zorica Mršević introduced the feminist jurisprudence and its role, as an influential field of feminist theory that has greatly changed modern understandings and trends in the field of legal theory and practice. She spoke about the work of the most prominent authors in this field, Mary Joe Frug and Ann Phillips. They addressed important issues such as, inter alia, women’s political representation, gender issues in public and private, the relationship between feminism and democracy, women’s attitudes towards work and the body, equality, and anti-discrimination issues and the demarginalization of racial intersectionality. and a half.

The presentations were followed by a discussion in which the participants raised a number of issues that need for further research and in-depth study.


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