Material and social deprivation of the elderly in Serbia

As part of the cycle of lectures by new researchers at the Institute of Social Sciences, Ivana Poljak, a Junior Research Assistant from the Centre for Demographic Research, held a lecture on February 22, 2023 in the Great Hall of the Institute of Social Sciences on the topic “Material and social deprivation of the elderly in Serbia“.

The central topic of the lecture is dedicated to the vulnerability of the elderly population in Serbia. In this regard, during the lecture, the results of the research obtained by applying and analyzing the indicators of material and social deprivation, as well as the rate of severe material and social deprivation, were presented. The mentioned indicators were defined and adopted during 2021, as a concept that consider the vulnerability of the population using non-monetary indicators. In this context, it is first defined that a certain person is considered materially and socially deprived if he cannot afford at least five of the 13 offered items, and extremely materially and socially deprived if he cannot afford at least seven of the 13 offered items.

The results of the conducted research are presented in the continuation of the lecture. The first unit consists of a detailed analysis of all 13 indicators of material and social deprivation, while the second unit consists of a statistical analysis of the linkage between these indicators and sex, age, poverty risk rate and number of household members.

At the end of the lecture, it was concluded that the material and social deprivation of the elderly is pronounced in Serbia, especially pointing out that material and social deprivation increases with age, that there is a linkage between material and social deprivation and monetary poverty, that older women are more vulnerable than men and that single-member households are more vulnerable than multi-member households.

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