Marriage and cohabitation in Vojvodina

As part of the cycle of lectures by new researchers at the Institute of Social Sciences, Milena Sekulić, a Research Assistant from the Centre for Demographic Research, held a lecture on December 12, 2024 in the Great Hall of the Institute of Social Sciences on the topic ” Marriage and cohabitation in Vojvodina“.

The subject of lecture is the main characteristics and changes of marriage and cohabitation in the territory of AP Vojvodina, viewed through the prism of demographic trends and socio-geographic events in the period from 1950. to 2022. The lecture was focused on changes in marriage patterns that lead to changes in the family structure. They are manifested in the form of a change in marriage, an increase in divorces, marriage postponement and a population decrease with lower birth rates, postponement of births and an aging population. The modern (nuclear) family is also affected by the modern way of life, which implies a changed position of women. During the lecture, it was pointed out that partners are increasingly practicing cohabitation before marriage or as an alternative to married life, and as a result, marriage is “postponed” to later years, which results in the birth of fewer children.

The lecture aims to point out the importance of changes in the family structure and the consequences that these trends of marriage and cohabitation bring to the demographic scene of Vojvodina. Vojvodina stands out as a unique area on European soil, with an extraordinary concentration of different ethnic groups. The interculturality of this area was created by the waves of settlement of numerous peoples, which resulted in a significant share of mixed marriages, and additionally imposes the need for research into the characteristics and changes of marriage in the population of Vojvodina.

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