ISS project “Ethical Consulting: Guiding Industries in Serbia”

The project “Ethical Consulting: Guiding Industries in Serbia toward Responsible Practice” aimed to develop an early stage for establishing Ethics Consulting at the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade. Dr. Marina Budić, a Research Associate from the Center for Philosophy, managed the project. The project is conducted within the SEED research program as part of the “Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship (SAIGE)” project.

Ethics consulting would involve providing services for ethical decision-making. This service would offer ethical consultations, improving ethical practices across different sectors, institutions, and organizations. It would also equip organizations and institutions with the necessary tools and knowledge to address ethical issues and dilemmas at the workplace.

As part of the project, Budić conducted an empirical study (market research) on Ethical Challenges in the Business Environment. This empirical study not only explored the need for ethical consulting but also aimed to provide practical solutions. It examined the ethical dilemmas that organizations in Serbia face in order to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, as well as to identify potential clients among those institutions (which need ethical consulting). As part of her project, Budić was attending various courses in business ethics and ethical dilemmas arising from the development and use of artificial intelligence to acquire and expand knowledge in the field of ethics and consulting on ethical dilemmas.


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