International scientific meeting “The Social, Economic and Political Construction of Covid-19”

Call for Participation for the international scientific meeting “The Social, Economic and Political Construction of Covid-19”, from May 12 and 13, 2023 organized by the Institute of Social Sciences (Center for Sociological and Anthropological Research), Belgrade, Republic of Serbia and Lehman College of the City University of New York, United States of America.


The COVID-19 pandemic is a disaster that triggered or amplified various crises in the health care, social, political, economic, and other systems, such as psychological and other more personal crises, plus a major epistemological crisis Although the concepts of crisis and disaster share some similarities, they are not the same and should not be treated as such. Disasters are generally comprehended in two ways. The focus is on the emergency management issue, and the second is a more differentiated image of catastrophic events which vary from the individual, group, or national resilience capacities. Crises are unwanted, unexpected, almost unmanageable pre-existing problems that have become more intense, sometimes to the breaking point.

The causes of the Disaster and Crisis could be partly detected in the intersection of the individual, organizational and environmental issues that lead to it. Moreover, crises decline the system’s legitimacy. In addition to the misleading intertwining of these concepts and their constant and circular repetition, it has almost become true that nothing will be the same after the COVID-19 pandemic. The world will be different in economic, political, and social terms.

However, is it possible that the situation will be the same as before?


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