Roundtable „Current Issues of Medical Law – Theory, Practice and Legislation 5“

Researchers of the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade, Center for Legal Research, in cooperation with the Bar Association of Vojvodina, are organizing the fifth traditional round table on legal issues in healthcare entitled “Current Medical Law – Theory, Practice and Legislation 5”.

The main topic of the meeting relates to issues of International Health Regulation, which have become particularly important after the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization and other actors in the sphere of global health and human rights related to health are the bearers of numerous activities, including the European office of the WHO and the activities of the European Commission. There are questions for and against, whether the regulation is a legally binding or a voluntary act in the form of a “pandemic agreement”, which carries a vision for building greater fairness and efficiency in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response worldwide through international cooperation. All the presented considerations are very current from the point of view of Serbian law.

The first thematic part: Issues of international health regulation. Second thematic part: Current medical and related laws in a broader sense

The meeting is open to lecturers, participants in the discussion and guests.

Meeting ID: 990 2535 7546
Passcode: 998753


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