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Centre for Philosophy


The Population of Yugoslavia

Project funder

Population Department of the United Nations и United Nations Trust Fund for Population Activity.

Project leader


Analysis of the Export Potential of the Enterprises that Are Members of the Yugoslav Bank for International Cooperation (Analiza izvoznog potencijala preduzeća članica Jugoslovenske banke za međunarodnu saradnju)

Project Funder

Yugoslav Bank for International Cooperation.

Project Leader


Economic Perspectives of the Industry of Processing Wood, Cellulose and Paper in Yugoslavia (Ekonomske perspektive prerađivačke industrije drveta, celuloze i papira u Jugoslaviji)

Project Funder

Chamber of Commerce of Yugoslavia.

Project Leader


Mining and Metallurgy of Iron and Non-ferrous Metals in Serbia (Rudarstvo i metalurgija gvožđa i obojenih metala u Srbiji)

Project Funder

Chamber of Commerce of Serbia.

Project Leader


Development of the Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals in Yugoslavia (Razvoj metalurgije obojenih metala u Jugoslaviji)

Project Funder

Chamber of Commerce of Yugoslavia.

Project Leader


Restructuring of the Yugoslav Black Metallurgy, Together with “British Steel” (Prestrukturiranje jugoslovenske crne metalurgije, zajedno sa „British steel“)

Project Funder

Association of Black Metallurgy (Chamber of Commerce of Yugoslavia)

Project Leader


Privatisation Planning Project

Project Funder

Department for International Development in London.


Pool 8 – Privatisation of Six Socially Owned Textile Companies

Project Funder

World Bank (Private Sector Development) and Privatisation Agency, Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Project Leader


Projects of Privatisation and Assessment of the Value of the Capital: The Companies of Sintelon, Energoprojekt, Tehnogas, Apatinska pivara, Beočinska fabrika cementa, Cementara Novi Popovac, Interšped, Subotica, Novosadski sajam, Istra, Mlin ‒ Stari banat, Merima ‒ Kruševac, Voda Vrnjci (Projekti privatizacije i procene vrednosti kapitala: Sintelon, Energoprojekt, Tehnogas, Apatinska pivara, Beočinska fabrika cementa, Cementara Novi Popovac, Interšped, Subotica, Novosadski sajam, Istra, Mlin ‒ Stari banat, Merima ‒ Kruševac, Voda Vrnjci)

Project Leader


Due Diligence and Assessment of the Value of the Capital: The Companies of Novitet, Slavija, Industrija tepiha Ivanjica, Javor, Niteks i Ljubiša Miodragović (Due Diligence i procene vrednosti kapitala: Novitet, Slavija, Industrija tepiha Ivanjica, Javor, Niteks i Ljubiša Miodragović)

Project Funder

Agency for Privatisation, Government of the Republic of Serbia

Project Leader


Research of the Economic, Socio-Demographic and Public Opinion Aspects of the Construction of the Hydropower Plants of Brodarevo I and Brofarevo II (Istraživanje ekonomskih, sociodemografskih i javnomnenjskih aspekata izgradnje hidroelektrana Brodarevo I i Brodarevo II)

Project Funder

Energoprojekt hidroinženjering a.d. and Renewable Energy Ventures.

Project Leader


Land Value Evaluation

Project Funder

Optimization Technology Research B. V. Company, Amsterdam

Project Leader

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