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Public Opinion in Serbia 2021

Research leader

Research financier

Institute of Social Sciences

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Society and Politics: Public Opinion in Serbia 2021.


Political opinions, election-related behaviour


The project was dedicated to empirical research of the citizens’ opinions concerning different current social and political issues, such as interest in politics, participation in the latest parliamentary elections, attitudes towards political parties and leaders, experiences and opinions concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.


The research was dedicated to social and political opinions of the citizens and their political behaviour. The primary goal of the project is a methodological check of the questionnaire created for the CSES project Module 6 (Comparative Study of Electoral Systems). This was an international project where the researchers had the chance to compare the results received in Serbia with those acquired in more than 50 different countries.

This pilot-poll is to be used by the international research team involved in the CSES project to assess the methodological characteristics of new questions included in the CSES module 6 – to check their validity, reliability, discriminatory character and all this in a comparative context.


The research project JMS 2021 was primarily dedicated to methodological check of the questionnaire created for the CSES Module 6. In addition to the CSES Module 6, which took around a half of the questionnaire, it involved a series of questions relevant for the current social and political context in Serbia. Also, a series of questions that concerned perception of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social processes was also included. Certain questions had also been present in earlier ISS research projects, which enabled monitoring of changes in certain attitudes and orientations.

The research was realised via the internet. The respondents were invited to join this research project in two main ways. The first way was forwarding the invitation to personal e-mail addresses of potential respondents. The second way of the respondents’ recruitment was via online advertising and open calls.

The total number of questions in the questionnaire was around 120, and the questions were classified into 41 groups. The “group” here means a single page (or screen) shown to the respondent.



The result of the research is the JMS2021 database, with more than 190 variables, and responses by 3,232 respondents (the entire poll was filled in by 1,808 respondents). These data were used in analyses, the results of which were presented in scientific publications and at conferences. Since the sample on which the poll was realised is of the special-purpose type, the collected data would not be included in the official edition of the CSES Module 6 data.

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