Women’s Representation in Parliaments in Southeast Europe

Gender and Politics Research Network in South-East Europe (GenPolSEE) in cooperation with the Institute of Social Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of University in Belgrade, and Heinrich Böll Foundation in Belgrade, is organizing the Thematic Meeting „Women’s Representation in Parliaments in Southeast Europe“.

The objective of this meeting is to provide a comprehensive overview of the presence, representation and activities of women in politics across South-East European (SEE) countries in recent decades. The countries in the SEE region, which have a common history of past communist/socialist regimes, have followed similar trajectories, including gender equality reforms, to enhance women’s political representation.

Despite the numerical gains of women in politics, there is a paucity of knowledge regarding women’s political representation in local and national parliaments. The objective of this meeting is to provide a contribution to clarifying the challenges that women face in the process of political representation and to indicate possible directions for improving their position in the context of societies in Southeast Europe.


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