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The role of religious actors in the peace-building process in post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is honor to invite you to attend a lecture of our colleague Danica Lazović as part of the cycle of lectures by new researchers at the Institute of Social Sciences.

The aim of the lecture is to point out the importance of religious actors in socio-political events, with an emphasis on the peace building process, and to draw attention to the importance of the participation of these actors in the peace building process. Since the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1992-1995. had religious characteristics, during the lecture it will be pointed out that a solution for coexistence and peaceful coexistence cannot be found if the actions of religious actors are not taken into account. In addition, the lecture aims to present religion in social and political life from a different perspective, and to show, in contrast to the established image of religion as a cause and accomplice in conflicts, those dimensions of religion that carry universal and shared ideas about peace, coexistence and respect.

During the lecture, the relationship of social groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards religion and religious actors will be discussed, with special focus to the participation of religious actors in the process of peace building, achieved results and obstacles. Also, the ways in which religious education is carried out in BiH will be considered, with the aim of identifying the content found in books and defining the relationship of religious communities towards the “Other”.

The aim of this lectures is promoting new researchers and familiarization with their previous work. The lecture will be held on November 24, 2023, in the Great Hall of the Institute of Social Sciences, at 12:00 a.m.

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