The inclusive potential of smart ambient environments for people with autism

It is honor to invite you to attend a lecture of our colleague Dr Janko Nešić as part of the cycle of lectures by new researchers at the Institute of Social Sciences.

The lecture will be devoted to an integral theoretical framework for understanding autism – “skilled intentionality”, as it combines enactive and ecological approaches to cognition together with the principle of free energy and predictive processing. The ecological-enactive description of autism indicates that these persons have a different field of affordances than neurotypical persons. This proves to be a good starting point for therapeutic matching between neurotypical and autistic groups of people. By analyzing the ecological-enactive description of autism, we try to show how one way of shaping the field of affordances of people with autism can be helpful in alleviating difficulties from the socio-material environment by using ambient smart environments, i.e. environments permeated with smart technology. Based on the research, it will be shown how ambient smart environments that know the uniqueness of each person with autism enable a better harmonization of the requirements of such a person with a neurotypical environment.

The aim of this lectures is promoting new researchers and familiarization with their previous work.

The lecture will be held on September 29, 2023, in the Great Hall of the Institute of Social Sciences, at 12:00 a.m.

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