The 10th jubilee international conference “Sociology of religion in the society of late modernity: religion and values”

Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communication of Belgorod State University, Belgorod (Russian Federation); Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia) and partners.

The conference was originally planned for 2020, but it was rescheduled for the current year due to COVID-19 pandemic. Normally, the conference has been taking place continuously at the local state-national University in Belgorod since 2011, firstly as a Russian national conference with international participation, and since 2013 as an international conference. The conference is not strictly sociological – authors from other branches of religious studies can participate in accordance with the main theme of annual conferences. With this year’s topic of religion and values, we emphasize not only the analysis of empirical data, but also of the theoretical assumptions of religion as a human value and as a relation between religious and spiritual and social values.

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Јавни конкурс за попуњавање радног места – директор Института друштвених наука

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30. 11. 2022.

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