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Sustainability of European Social Survey in Serbia

A national consultative meeting “Sustainability of EDI in Serbia” was held live and online on Thursday, February 25, at the Izvor Hotel in Arandjelovac.

The welcoming speech and formal opening of the conference were delivered by Dr. Goran Bašić, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and member of the ESS ERIC General Assembly, and Dr. Marina Soković, Assistant Minister for Science. The first session was moderated by Aleksandar Tomašević from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, during which Dr. Dragan Stanojević presented a brief video on the history of European Social Research in Serbia and spoke about new topics within the tenth wave, as well as the pilot study that was conducted in Serbia. Dr. Aleksandar Jović, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation and European Integration, also emphasized the importance of ESS research for Serbia, as part of the Science and Technology Development Strategy until 2025, particularly for the integration of social sciences and increasing their competitiveness, which also forms the basis for the creation of public policies. The topic of the future sustainability of ESS in Serbia was addressed in the third session by Dr. Bojan Todosijević from the Institute of Social Sciences and Prof. Dr. Viktor Nedović (former Assistant Minister for International Cooperation). Zoran Stanojević, with great enthusiasm, presented ways in which science can capture media attention, marking the conclusion of the final session.

In person meeting was organized with the respect of all measures related to COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia.

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