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Scientific Conference “Who is afraid of gender yet”

The scientific meeting “Who is afraid of gender yet” is organized by the Institute of Social Sciences, the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory and the Regional Network for Research on Gender and Politics in Southeast Europe (GenPolSEE) with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Belgrade; ISS, November 17, 10 am – 5 pm.

Three round tables will be held discussing the following topics:

On gender sensitive language (English language): The use of gender-sensitive language contributes to raising awareness of the importance of gender equality and directly affects the process of democratization of society. It has the greatest influence on the visibility of women in public life and one of the ways to eliminate any form of gender-based discrimination. That is why we meet with the increasing resistance of conservative and right-wing political forces to implement changes in the language policy.

On anti-gender campaigns in education and culture (Serbian language): The term “gender ideology” functions as a broad projection area for racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and transphobia, ethnic nationalist ideas. It unites a multitude of different actors such as right-wing groups, right populist parties, conservative politicians, religious and fundamentalist organisations, many of whom identify as “concerned parents” or “concerned citizens”.

On international and regional experience (English language): Here we observe how “gender ideology” has been coming to drive policy in a range of national and global contexts. Gender studies have come under direct attack in Brazil, Poland, and Hungary, Bulgaria, with efforts to close down and discredit gender and sexuality studies scholars, programmes and publications. Parallel efforts have been undertaken to close down and discredit programming for young people in schools in many countries across global South-North divides.

Experts from the Regional Network for Research on Gender and Politics in Southeast Europe (GenPolSEE) and colleagues from the academic community in Serbia, who are engaged in the study of gender, language, education, culture and social movements are participating in the meeting.


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