The Library of the Institute of Social Sciences is a specialized scientific library. It was founded in 1957. as a part of the Department of Archiving.
The Library keeps a book fund of 137,000 copies of domestic and foreign monographs, serial publications, magazines and manuals (encyclopedias, dictionaries, yearbooks, bibliographies). A special part of the fund is 35,000 books that the library took over after the closure of the Institute of Economics of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and sets of magazines received as a gift from the “Ford Foundation”.
Our users include researchers and scientific associates of the Institute as well as the employees of other institutes and the University of Belgrade. In accordance with the principles of the Platform for Open science issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and technological development the Library maintains the Institutional Repository of the Institute of Social Sciences (IRISS) collecting published work by the employees and associates of the Institute.
The library cooperates with the National Library of Serbia, the University Library „Svetozar Marković“ and a number of specialist libraries. It is one of the founding members of the Librarian Section of the Association of Institutes of Serbia.
Dijana Arsenijević
+381 66 805 9008
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