Promotion of the 41st issue of “Religija i tolerancija”

On 5 June 2024, the promotion of the 41 st issue of the scientific journal “Religija i tolerancija” (Religion and Tolerance), jointly published since last year by the Institute of Social Sciences and the Center for Empirical Study of Religion from Novi Sad, took place at the Institute of Social Sciences.

This event represented an opportunity for the speakers to provide a detailed insight into the cooperation that had so far resulted in three journal issues, with the undivided opinion that such fruitful cooperation will continue in the future. At the same time, the promotion was a good opportunity to mark the 20 th anniversary of the first issue and to express gratitude to the journal’s founders, among which Prof. Dr. Zorica Kuburic stands out as the most deserving.

The event was also attended by the current minister for human and minority rights and social dialogue, Mr. Tomislav Žigmanov, who is also one of the journal’s founders. The following spoke at the promotion: Dr. Goran Bašić, director of the Institute of Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Zorica Kuburić, Dr. Dražen Pavlica, Dr. Mirko Blagojević, as well as other journal contributors present at the event.

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