Identification and Promotion of the Link between the Serbian Fertility Policy and the UN Agenda 2030
To identify and promote the link between the efforts to alleviate the birthing crisis and realisation of the UN Agenda 2030 goals in Serbia.
Serbia faces a series of serious population-related challenges. The most important problem is that for decades, the birthing has been far below the numbers necessary for generation replacement. To identify and explain the link between the factors that impact the level of fertility in Serbia and 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets of the UN Agenda 2030. To establish and consider interdependence between the national framework of action in the sphere of fertility and realisation of the Agenda 2030. Spreading understanding about the link between alleviating the phenomenon of insufficient number of births and realisation of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.
Mapping of the goals and their target values defined in the UN Agenda 2030, which directly refer to the determinist basis for insufficient birthing in Serbia, through theoretical consideration of the low level of birthing and empirical findings of recent Serbian research.
Reasoning and interpretation of the link identified between the Agenda 2030 SGGs and targets on the one hand, and the factors that influence the fertility level in Serbia on the other.
Mapping of the goals, mechanisms and activities defined in the 2018 Birthing Stimulation Strategy that are in line with the goals and targets defined in the UN Agenda 2030. Consideration of the established interdependence between the 2018 Birthing Stimulation Strategy and Agenda 2030 with the procuring entity.
The research has established and explained a direct link between seven out of seventeen sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030 and the factors that influence the low fertility level in Serbia. The seven sustainable development goals (goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10) were mapped in line with the key determinants of insufficient birthing in Serbia. These are socio-economic factors, the factors that determine the level of sexual and reproductive health and those impacting gender equality. This involved use of theoretical and empirical findings.
Indirect links have also been established between almost all other SDGs in the Agenda that were not included in the discussion in this research and the level of fertility in Serbia. Additionally, there is a link between the SDGs in the UN Agenda 2030 that concern sustainable development of the domains of economy and healthcare, as well as those concerning equality and social inclusion on the one hand, and the key determinants of unfavourable demographic indicators in Serbia in the sphere of mortality and migration on the other.
What has also been established is a clear interdependence between the national action framework in the field of fertility, consisting of the 2018 Birthing Stimulation Strategy and the relevant legislative solutions, and realisation of the sustainable development goals contained in the UN Agenda 2030. This is a particularly important finding, since alleviation of the birthing crisis and European integrations of the country are political priorities of Serbia.