International Projects


Women’s Organizations and Building of Civil Society in XXI Century – International Perspective

Project funder

In collaboration with the Center for the Study of Philanthropy, City University of New York and the Global Network of Women’s Organizations and Civil Society, New York.

Project Coordinator


Population and Development in Southern Europe

Project funder

United Nations Fund for Population Activites.

Project Co-Leader


The Population of Yugoslavia

Project funder

Population Department of the United Nations и United Nations Trust Fund for Population Activity.

Project leader


Securing Health Care in Line with Human Rights Standards for Persons with Disabilities in Residential Institutions in Serbia (Standardi u pružanju zdravstvene zaštite osobama smeštenim u rezidencijalne ustanove)

Joint work on publishing the results of the project by the European Commission with the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Healthcare Law SUPRAM


Equitable Policies and Services for Rare Disease Patients (Jednakost u politikama i uslugama za pacijente sa retkim bolestima)

Joint work on publishing the results of the project by the European Commission with the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Healthcare Law SUPRAM

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