Population Development and Policies of the AP Kosovo and Metohija (Populacioni razvoj i politika SAP Kosova i Metohije)
Population and Development in Southern Europe
Projections of Population and Employment (Projekcije stanovništva i zapošljavanje)
The Population of Yugoslavia
Project Funder
Population Department of the United Nations и United Nations Trust Fund for Population Activity
Project Leader
Yugoslav Population’s Fertility and Assessment of the Family Planning Efforts in Yugoslavia thus Far (Fertilitet jugoslovenskog stanovništva i ocena dosadašnjeg rada na planiranju porodice u Jugoslaviji)
Project Funder
United Nations Fund for Population Activities and Scientific Community of the Republic of Serbia
Project Leader
The Determinants and Consequences of Population Trends
Project Funder
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Project Co-Leader
Demographic Transition in a Society Undergoing Transformation (Demografska tranzicija u društvu koje doživljava probražaj)
Project Funder
Federal Institute of International Technical Cooperation and the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for Health Statistics, Washington, D.C.
Project Leader