The Missing Self – An Enactive Proposal

What we think of the nature of mind and self is fundamental to what we think of mental health or what a mental disorder is. In my talk, I discuss two recent views of psychiatry (by Shaun Gallagher and Sanneke de Haan) that use embodied and enactive cognition as their conceptual basis. I will argue that they have a problem in common with traditional views in psychiatry, namely that they rely on an undertheorized relationship between the individual and their social environment.

I call this the “body-social problem”. As a solution to the body-social problem in psychiatry, I introduce the enactive theory of the self. The enactive self adopts a strongly relational view of the human self. It suggests that the constitutive mechanisms of the self transcend the brain to partially include co-embodied interactions with others, also in the case of alterations and disorders of the self.

profile Miriam Kyselo is a full Professor of Philosophy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She has a PhD degree in Cognitive Science from the University of Osnabrueck. Miriam’s expertise is in the philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of psychology, and interdisciplinary research in embodied cognitive science.

Meeting ID: 928 6345 9135
Passcode: 883651


Annual program of the "Philosophy and Psychiatry" seminar

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