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Philosophy and Psychiatry: Scorekeeping in a Therapeutic Language Game

In his lecture, dr Stefan Rinner will aim to, with the framework of linguistic scorekeeping, enhance comprehension regarding the linguistic mechanisms and interventions employed in talking therapies. The lecture is scheduled for January 25 at 11:00 a.m. and will be online via Zoom with a live audience at the Institute’s Grand Hall.

In Scorekeeping in a Language Game, David Lewis famously compares conversations to playing baseball. Just like baseball, conversations have a score which, together with rules for correct play, determines which utterances are acceptable or even true in the course of a conversation. For all similarities, however, there is a crucial difference between conversations and baseball games. Unlike the score of a baseball game, conversational score adjusts in such a way that the utterances made in the course of a conversation count as correct play. This is also known as accommodation. Starting from this scorekeeping approach to language use, the overall aim of the present paper is to provide a better understanding of how the methods and interventions of talking therapies work from a linguistic point of view. According to the scorekeeping model, the methods and interventions of talking therapies are effective by changing the score of the therapeutic conversation, in particular in the form of accommodation. This has significant implications for the therapeutic practice, as it highlights the importance of training therapists in the linguistic aspects of therapeutic methods, in particular in the use of accommodation.

He specialises in the Philosophy of Language with a strong focus on its application to problems of practical and ethical relevance. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Chair for Practical Philosophy and Ethics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Before that, he was first a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Chair for Logic and Philosophy of Language at the MCMP in Munich and then an Interim Professor in Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Hamburg. Starting in April, he will be an assistant professor in the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Meeting ID: 953 5025 0109
Passcode: 079705


Annual program of the "Philosophy and Psychiatry" seminar

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