Philosophy and Psychiatry: Ecological Psychopathology and Affectivity

The lecture topic is “In Discrepancy with the World: Ecological Psychopathology and Affectivity,” presented by doctoral candidate Anastasija Filipović on August 21st at 11:00 in the Large Hall of the Institute of Social Sciences.

Everyday experience shows that a person’s affective life greatly influences their interaction with the world. In line with this, the intention of the lecture is to emphasize the importance of affectivity in creating harmonious and synchronized interactions with one’s own environment.

By creating an ecological niche or an environment that aligns with its needs, the embodied subject engages in a dynamic relationship with the world based on a relation of coupling. The creation of this niche is based on a process called affective scaffolding, which can further be explained by the sensorimotor skill that Alva Noë calls “know-how.”

In the case of a breakdown in know-how, there is a disturbance in the relationship with the environment and a collapse of the external constituents of mental life, leading to a feeling of being “in discrepancy with the world.” This feeling stands out as one of the main phenomenological characteristics of psychopathologies such as depression and schizophrenia. Therefore, know-how is crucial for establishing a harmonious interaction with the world.

Anastasija Filipović is a research assistant at the Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. In her doctoral work, she explores the theory of emotions and the relationship and role that the external environment plays in personal affective experience. She has presented at several international conferences in the region.

This is the third lecture in the framework of the seminar “Philosophy and Psychiatry,” organized by the Center for Philosophy at the Institute of Social Sciences.


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