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Phenomenology and Psychopathology: Towards a Better Understanding of the Patient

The intersection and complementarity of the phenomenological philosophical tradition and psychopathology in an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the subjective experience of the patient is the topic of Dr Stefan Jerotić’s lecture titled “Decoding Pathological Experience: Phenomenological Psychopathology,” which will take place on June 30th at 11:00 am in the Grand Hall of the Institute of Social Sciences.

The phenomenological philosophical tradition provides a systematic method for investigating and articulating the contents of consciousness. By focusing on the “first-person” perspective, phenomenology enables a deeper insight into the structure of subjective experience, making it an ideal tool for exploring human consciousness and subjectivity.

On the other hand, psychopathology represents the foundation of clinical psychiatry, requiring a detailed and systematic approach to analyzing subjective experience. Psychopathology focuses on studying pathological variations in mental processes and their manifestations, providing insights into how psychiatric disorders affect consciousness and subjectivity.

The intersection of these two fields gives rise to phenomenological psychopathology, a discipline that uses the methodological framework of phenomenology to investigate and describe changes in the structure of subjectivity underlying psychopathological conditions. Phenomenological psychopathology has identified and articulated central structures of consciousness, such as selfhood, intersubjectivity, embodiment, temporality, spatiality, and existential orientation.

Through examples of different patterns of disturbances in selfhood in psychosis and depression, the presentation will demonstrate how phenomenological psychopathology can be helpful in clinical practice.

Dr Stefan Jerotić is a psychiatrist employed at the Clinic for Psychiatry of the University Clinical Center of Serbia and an assistant at the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. His scientific research focuses on the study of schizophrenia and other disorders within the spectrum of psychoses, as well as the border areas of philosophy and psychiatry. He has also written on the subject of the application of psychosocial interventions and psychopharmacotherapy. He is the recipient of multiple international awards and recognitions.

The lecture is part of the seminar “Philosophy and Psychiatry” organized by the Center for Philosophy at the Institute of Social Sciences. The seminar will serve as a platform for presentations and discussions on contemporary topics at the intersection of philosophy and psychiatry.

You can also participate in the discussion via Zoom platform.
Meeting ID: 967 3782 9967
Passcode: 911233


Annual program of the seminar "Philosophy and Psychiatry"

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