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Željka Buturović

Year of obtaining the highest degree


Deputy president of the Ethical board

Fields of research

decision-making; bioethics; political psychology

Current research projects

medical ethics; reproductive ethics; parenting


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification 2009.

Dr Buturovic does empirical and theoretical work. Her empirical work has been in the areas of political psychology, American politics and public opinion, decision-making and parenting. Dr Buturovic’s theoretical works covers bioethics (medical ethics, reproductive ethics, parenting), decision-making and evolution.

Dr Buturovic has published in major international journals and her research has been covered by Serbian and American press. Prior to joining Institut of Social Science, dr Buturovic has worked in public opinion research in the USA.

Membership of professional organisations

– Društvo psihologa Srbije

– Association for Psychological Science

– Society for Personality and Social Psychology

-American Association for Public Opinion Research

– International Socity for Political Psychology

– American Psychological Association

Work in education

– Instructor, Human Learning and Memory; Introductory Psychology; Introductory Statistics, Barnard College (Columbia University)

– Teaching Assistant, Experimental Psychology: Social and Personality; Statistics for Behavioral Sciences; Cognition, Memory and Stress; Human Communication; Cognition: Basic Processes, Columbia University

– Teaching Assistant, Biostatistics; Introduction to Quantitative Methods, Harvard University

– Teaching Assistant, Abnormal Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University

Major publications

Buturović, Željka (2022) Euthanasia and organ donation still firmly connected: reply to Bollen et al. Journal of Medical Ethics, 48 (7), pp. 488–489.

Buturović, Željka (2021) Procedural safeguards cannot disentangle MAiD from organ donation decisions. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47 (10), pp. 706–708.

Buturović, Željka (2020) Formula feeding can help illuminate long-term consequences of full ectogenesis. Bioethics, 34 (4), pp. 331–337.

Buturović, Željka (2020) Parents of Autistic Children Are Deserving of Support. The American Journal of Bioethics, 20 (4), pp. 54–55.

Buturović, Željka (2020) Voluntary sterilisation of young childless women: not so fast. Journal of Medical Ethics 2022;48:46–49.

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