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Vladimir Milisavljević

Year of obtaining the highest degree


Fields of research

History of philosophy, Political philosophy, Epistemology

Current research projects

Theory of subjectivity, Theory of sovereignty


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification PhD 2005

Vladimir Milisavljević (1966) works as a Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at the Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade.

He holds PhD (2005), MA (1996) and BA (1990) degrees in Philosophy, from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy.

He also teaches philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of East Sarajevo.

His main topics of interest include Kant and German Idealism, Ancient Philosophy, Epistemology, Political philosophy, Contemporary French and German philosophy (Deleuze, Derrida, Schmitt, Benjamin, Henrich), and Early Modern Philosophy (Hobbes).

He authored three monographs on Hegel and Classical German philosophy: Identity and Reflection: The Problem of Self-Consciousness in Hegel’s Philosophy (Belgrade: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2006), Strength of Existence: Theory of Norm in Kant and Hegel, (Belgrade: Fedon, 2010), Hegel’s Definition of Idealism (Belgrade: Fedon, 2016), one monograph on Ancient culture and philosophy: When Humans Were Springing from the Earth: Autochthony in the Discourse of Ancient Greece (Belgrade: Fedon, 2016), a book Means for Unknown Ends: Five Studies on Scientific Research and University (Belgrade: Serbian Philosophical Society and Institute of Social Sciences, 2022),  in Serbian, as well as several dozens of articles, some of them in international volumes or reviews. He also edited six collective volumes on issues of philosophy and social theory.

Membership of professional organisations

– Serbian Philosophical Society, Belgrade

– Gruppe Phänomenologie, Vienna, Austria

– Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Montréal, Canada.

– Philosophical Society „Logos“, Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

– 1988–1992 Scholarship of the National Foundation for Advancement of Scientific and Artistic Youth

– 1991–1992 Scholarship of the Sasakawa Foundation (DEA Paris X – Nanterre)

– 2011/2012, 2012/2013, Research and Teaching Grant of the European Union Europhilosophie Toulouse II – Le Mirail

Work in education

– 1992–2006, Faculty of Philosophy of the University in Novi Sad, Department of Philosophy, seminars and courses in Contemporary Philosophy, Esthetics and Introduction to Philosophy

– 2007–2023, Faculty of Philosophy of the University in East Sarajevo, Chair for Philosophy, courses in Epistemology, History of Philosophy, Structuralism.

– 2010/2011, courses in Master Europhilosophie, Université Toulouse II – Le Mirail, „Philosophies allemande et française dans l’epace européen“, Théorie de la norme chez Kant et Hegel

– 2012/2013, courses in Master Europhilosophie, Université Toulouse II – Le Mirail, „Philosophies allemande et française dans l’epace européen“ (master/doctorat de philosophie), La philosophie et ses autochtones (oct/nov. 2012)

Major publications

Milisavljević, Vladimir (2012) Une violence qui se présuppose : la question de la violence de Benjamin à Deleuze et Guattari. Actuel Marx, 52 (2). pp. 78–91.

Milisavljević, Vladimir (2016) “Ce Dieu mortel”, l’État. Un cas de commentaire dans le Leviathan de Hobbes. Scientific Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi Political science, 11 (1). pp. 125–142.

Milisavljević, Vladimir (2017) Human nature and stasis: On the Influence of Thucydides on Hobbes’s Science of Politics. Synaxa – Matica Srpska International Journal for Social Sciences, Arts and Culture (1). pp. 41–58.

Milisavljević, Vladimir (2019) Farewell to Universalism: Nationalism and Xenophobia after the “End of History”. In Vladimir Milisavljević, Natalija Mićunović (eds.) Xenophobia, Identity and New Forms of Nationalism. Series Edited Volumes . Institute of social sciences, Belgrade, pp. 293–316.

Milisavljević, Vladimir (2021) Neznanje u društvu znanja: od Mengera do Hajeka i dalje. In: Mišo Kulić (ur.) Društvo znanja i proces transformacije filozofskih, društveno-humanističkih nauka. Filozofski fakultet, Pale, pp. 11–42.

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