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Fields of research

Studies of Media Philosophy and Business, Journalism and Media Management, Communication Studies and Theory of Communication, Social History of Sport and Mediatization of Sport, Studies of Culture and Social Structure, Promotion and Public Relations.

Current research projects

  • Sports, Media, and Journalism: Perception of the Present and Future, Faculty of Sports, Belgrade, 2023–present.
  • Global Phenomenon of Naturalization in Sports, Faculty of Sport, Belgrade, 2022–.


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification: Ph.D. 2018, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade.

Born in Užice (Serbia) in 1981. He completed his undergraduate studies in Belgrade at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, majoring in “Journalism and Communication,” where he also earned a master’s degree in “Theory of Culture and Gender Studies.” He completed specialist studies at the University of Oklahoma (USA): College of Journalism, Mass Communication, and Strategic Communication as a scholarship recipient of the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). He pursued doctoral studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in “Cultural and Media Studies,” where he obtained his doctorate.

For the past two decades, he has been professionally engaged in the fields of media and journalism, as well as public relations and marketing. He worked longest as a journalist for the daily newspaper Danas and as Head of the Public Relations Group and editor of websites at JP Službeni glasnik. He is a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals and the author of numerous publications and articles in the fields of media and cultural studies, published in domestic and regional scientific and professional periodicals.

He was also involved in projects for the development of the Legal Information System of the Republic of Serbia, the most relevant electronic legal database in the country, and activities of the Education Center of “Službeni glasnik”.

He is also a recipient of a special award from the Association of Journalists of Serbia for contributions to the history of print and journalism, theoretical works on journalism, and published works – “Žika M. Jovanović,” awarded to him as a co-author of the monograph “Sergije Lukač – Prometheus of Journalism” (together with Radivoje Petrović).

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

2008–2009: Recipient of the “Professional Development Year Scholarship Program” awarded by the U.S. Department of State and Voice of America to winners of a competition for the best young media professionals from Southeast Europe.

Work in education

2020– Lecturer at the Faculty of Sport, University “Union – Nikola Tesla,” in the Sports Journalism program, where he teaches several courses in journalism and communication, and since 2021 has served as the Head of the Department of Sports Journalism.

Major publications

  • Ratković, M., & Penezić, S. (2024). Promocija i odnosi s javnošću na sportskom tržištu. Beograd: Fakultet za sport.
  • Petrović, R. & Penezić, S. (2023). Sergije Lukač — prometej novinarstva. Beograd: Službeni glasnik RS and Fakultet za sport.
  • Penezić, S. (2023). Savremeni izazovi upravljanja medijima. Beograd: Fakultet za sport.
  • Penezić, S. & Cvjetićanin, N. (2021). Media Crisis as a Measure of Responsibility of Media Employees. Teme. XLV (2). 445-459.
  • Penezić, S. (2021). Modeli dnevnih novina u 21. veku: kriza i strategije za opstanak. Srpska politička misao, 68 (2), 299–326,

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