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Sanja Filipović

Year of obtaining the highest degree


  • Member of the Transformation Implementation Team of the Institute of Social Sciences

Scholarships, fellowships, grants

University scholarship holder for three years during undergraduate studies

Work in education

Sanja Filipovic has been teaching as a university professor

  • Since 2008. full professor at the Singidunum University, Faculty of Business Economics
  • Mentor in over a hundred of final BSc theses, more than 50 MSc theses and 4 PhD theses.

Fields of research

Macroeconomics; economic policy and sustainable development; Assessments of Sino-EU-Serbian Relations.

Current research projects

Within the Center for Economic Research, she is in charge of research into the socio-economic effects of the green transition.


The year of receiving the highest degree of professional qualification,  PhD 2008, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade.

Sanja Filipovic is a Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences and a full professor at the University Singidunum. In period 2002–2020 she worked at the Economics Institute as a project manager and a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for macroeconomic research. Her academic career started in 2008, and since then she has worked as a university professor at bachelor, master and PhD studies.

She has broad project management experience. Working on more than 80 projects, she has taken part in all phases of project management including: creation and development of project ideas, budget planning, implementation of different methodologies of research, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. She has had the oportunity to work on different national strategic documents, policy papers and studies. Besides this, she has worked for international institutions and taken part in teams of international experts. Some of the recent projects in which she was engaged as a project manager or team member are: Enabling the Energy Union through understanding the drivers of individual and collective energy choices in Europe (EC, Horizon 2020); Electrical Energy Markets and Engineering Education (EC, Erazmus K2); Public Sector Development (GIZ); Sustainable Growth and Employment in Western Balkan countries (GIZ, Open Regional Fund South East Europe); Analysis of the regulatory framework for entrepreneurs focusing on the three most potential sectors, proposing simplified procedures for young entrepreneurs (Swiss Development Agency, PEFORM project); Competitiveness and New Industrial Policy project (EC, OECD); Designing an Industrial Policy Toolkit for the Western Balkans and Turkey (OECD); CEFTA Trade Agreement: Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers (EC, OECD), etc.

She has published more than 100 bibliographical units, including 7 books and more than thirty papers published in the leading international scientific journals listed at the WoS.

She is member of EU Energy Poverty Observatory group, as well as a coordinator of the working group National Convention on the European Union which in EU accession process covers Chapter 20 (Industrial policy and Entrepreneurship), etc.

Major publications


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